I am a bit ashamed to admit this, but I'm not that fond of Indonesian songs. Everytime I listen to the radio & an Indonesian song is coming up, I immediately change the radio station. However, this does not mean that I don't have any favorite Indonesian songs, but there are only a handful of Indonesian artists that I like. One of these artists is an Indonesian band called : Nidji
It is a relatively new band, but every time they release a new single, it becomes a #1 hit.
If you have STAR World Asia on your cable subscription, nowadays you can hear them on the Heroes season 3 trailer. The background song is by Nidji, called "Shadows". This is the second time that their song has been used by STAR World as the background for a Heroes ad. Previously, their song "Heaven" was used.
wooww, kerenn yaa nidji!! :D
iya, sayangnya sekarang iklan itu udah gak tayang lagi..diganti sama lagunya simple plan...padahal menurut gue, lebih cocok lagunya nidji :(
Hi Greetings from Bahrain!
Nidji is indeed Keren lah!
hehe...di Bahrain masih dapet Nidji gak?!
Lagunya msh dipake di tv kabel singapore. Plus nama bandnya. Krn.
iya..akhir2 ini heroes diputer lagi & iklan "nidji" tayang lagi...tob deh..
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