I've always found the hype surrounding Obama a bit silly. Ok, he lived in Indonesia when he was little, so.....?
But last Tuesday, while sitting in traffic and feeling disappointed that El Shinta (a radio station known for its traffic reports) has hold off its reports in order to broadcast live the joint press conference of Obama & SBY, I suddenly got a mellow feeling when hearing Obama speak his first words: Terima kasih. Selamat Sore....
The next day, when he delivered his speech at University of Indonesia, hearing him say things like "Pulang kampung nih", brought a big smile to my face.
So does this mean I have joined the Obama craze? Hmm...not exactly. Watching him mention about his memories of Indonesia was actually like when I meet a foreigner and hear him talk favorably about his time when vacationing in Indonesia. It's just this feeling that we have something in common, a feeling that "Hey, my country has brought joy to someone's day"...
But all this aside, I was impressed with the speech Obama delivered. When was the last time any of our officials mentioned about Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and used it in such a motivational way?
Anyways, I wanted to share a few photos of Obama's visit to the University of Indonesia. My sister, who is a reporter, got an invitation to attend the event. She sat in the second row so got quite decent pictures (she actually bought a new camera because of this :) ).
While Obama is smiling & shaking hands with his "fans", his bodyguard looks kind of stressed out :)
Former president B.J. Habibie was among those who attended the event. So nice to see him smile, he lost his wife a couple of months ago