Schools in Indonesia require students to wear uniforms. Although private schools have their own dresscode, public schools use the same uniform all over the country, which differ by colour:
Students in elementary school wear a white short-sleeve shirt + red pleated skirt for the girls and red short trousers for the boys.

Junior high : white shirt + blue double-pleated skirt/ blue short trousers

High school : white shirt + grey single-pleated skirt/ grey long trousers

There are also matching coloured hats & tie that are usually worn at ceremonies.
I personally have nothing against school uniforms. I remember how proud I was wearing my grey skirt after years wearing a blue one. It felt as if some kind of "rite of passage". In fact, now that high school is (long) was very nostalgic seeing all of us wearing the white-grey uniform. Below you can see the result, we pass as high school kids? :)

Pic source:
Elementary school:
Junior & High school:
I wish we had required uniforms here. I think it would alleviate all the problems with parents going broke buying designer cloths for their kids to go to school in and other kids feeling depressed because they can't afford designer clothing. Besides, all those kids in the photos look so much more professional.
hehehhe...seru yaa pit tema ktr kemarin..
dulu pas sma, sempet bosen pake seragam, kok ga baju bebas aja, tp pas kuliah malah kepikiran enak pake seragam abis ga pusing milih2 baju tp hari hehehehe...
@matt: come live in indonesia ;)
@crey: iya, seru banget! apalagi banyak yang "nakal" (termasuk dirimu), jadi kocak liatnya...
Hey nice pictures thanks for sharing
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Hi Shreyas! The pics are actually not mine (except for the last one). Source was credited in the post.
Those colors are the sign that Indonesians are ignorant race and people! Shame on you Indonesians! Red color is an ignorant sign, like indon football team! Blue is hot1 Blue is great and liberated and red is idiot!
Thanks for your comment...I see you are not afraid to have an opinion *i.e. scold other people*, but you don't have the guts to write down your name...
I saw the anonymous person who said that Indonesians are ignorant people on the last comment.
He/she also said red is idiot .
The only important thing here is he/she is just a racist asshole that making a shit dillema and just scold people around.
He/she doesn't wanna give his/her identity because he/she is just an asshole , and fucking loser .
Shame on you motherfucker racist anonymous! !! , Ready to fight with ya (if I know you)
Well you know? I really hate racism and racist people .
And I'm sorry for my dirty words . Can't control myself when being angry LOL
Thanks for reading
yeah...the person is so lame...not worth our breath :)
Don't.bother with English. you suck at it. you're great at looking like a douche though.
I think the uniforms look cute, especially the elementary school ones.
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